Followership - the missing piece in the leadership puzzle.

Would you agree that developing leaders is important?  And that exploring contemporary leadership means being open to doing things in new ways? 

Traditional ways of doing leadership aren’t always working for leaders or the team members they lead, and they are not fit for purpose for organisations either.  Sometimes leadership programs do not stick. Even with significant investments you may not see the changes that you want. 

There is a different way to do this… Followership is a necessary but misunderstood part of leadership in organisations.  It is the missing piece in the leadership puzzle. 

Leaders and followers achieve success together when both engage in effective followership and leadership. 

Followership challenges how you may think about workplace relationships and roles. A better understanding of followership behaviours and the contribution followership makes to organisations has implications for human resource management practices and for professional development of both followers and leaders. 

Stepping up and stepping back: core followership behaviours, facilitators, and expectations in the workplace. My PhD research explored followership in organisations from the perspectives of both followers and leaders.  I identified core followership behaviours, which are distinct from other behaviours which employees display in the workplace. I also identify facilitators and inhibitors of those core followership behaviours.  link to the abstract/summary of my (award winning) thesis 

Curious about how followership shifts the focus as we look to new, more effective, ways of leading? 

Please contact me:
+61 43867001